Scaps Medical

+ 1.561.429-2401

diabetes is one of the medical ailments

that our providers are very familiar in treating.

from our perspective, there are two keys to treating
diabetes properly: education and coordination


First, as your primary care doctor, we will educate you so that you are comfortable treating this chronic condition. You will need to learn all the parameters of a diabetic diet, so that you can keep your glucose level under control and lose weight. In addition, you will be given an exercise program that will help keep your condition in check. Finally, you will be taught to monitor your glucose level. Following these protocols and taking any prescribed medications properly are necessary to manage this disease.


When you have diabetes, it’s important that someone is managing your condition, and as your primary provider, we consider that our responsibility. We will help you locate any medical specialists that you need to treat specific issues you may be having as a result of the diabetes. And, we will ensure that all of your care is coordinated and consistent